Calls for Registration

It is a fairly general practice that most authorities calling for tenders require all service providers to register on their service provider databases before their tenders will be accepted. The primary purpose of drawing up such a service provider database is to enable the checking of references before the rush to adjudicate a particular tender, and to block further tendering by service providers who have been pronounced dishonest or unreliable. A secondary purpose for drawing up such a database of service providers is to enable the authority to call for quotes from proven service providers to undertake smaller jobs that do not warrant calling for public tenders.

What this means is that companies and individuals who tender for work need to ensure they are registered on the service provider lists of authorities who may award them tenders. Because access to information concerning database registration is so crucial, we have created a dedicated database for 'calls for registration', which our clients can search when they are considering a bid for an authority with which they are not already registered.